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Week 7

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For this week, it motivates me to really be a teacher someday, and I am not gonna lie, but for the past few weeks, I feel that I don’t belong here, and I always think that teaching is hard but for the past few days and weeks, I feel more motivated to teach and making the students learn. Before, I always focuses in finishing teaching the lesson but this week I am just focusing to give my students the learning while making them happy. Before when I finish my teaching lesson, I always rest and just making myself focus on other things but the today when I finish my teaching, I always find some activities and strategies in teaching. I feel like when I am not doing something after teaching in my subjects I always feel bored and sleepy, but for this week, instead of just sitting and scrolling in Facebook I just watch my cooperating teacher in her teaching because there are many strategies that I will able to learn to her because she always makes the class effectively and actively engaged. This week is also the International Women’s Month, they celebrated it today by having a program and also the teachers involved us in the program, and I became the “word of the day” about International Women’s Month. It makes me nervous because they will be a lot of teachers and students, but overall it became successful, and also gives me experiences.

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