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Notebooks and Pencils

Reflection on PPST DOMAIN

Content and Pedadogy

Understanding the notions and assumptions that students of all ages and backgrounds bring to the learning of those most commonly taught subjects and lessons is part of having pedagogical content knowledge, which is another aspect of knowing what makes the learning of particular topics simple or difficult. For teaching in the Camiling West Central Elementary School for many weeks, this domain gives me challenges in my teaching. It shows that you have to really understand and master your lessons in order to make the teaching successful, you need to know where they are capable of in terms of learning. You need to be dedicated and know what are the things that will be effective in learning. As a result, I used some activities that making the students interested. Involving play and objects to make them enjoy while learning many things. Involving all students by using cooperative based learning in teaching and engaging activities.

Diversity of the students

Students that learn in a variety of methods are referred to as diverse learners. Their various learning styles, modalities, interests, abilities, and personalities influence how teachers plan their lessons. Throughout my practice teaching internship, there are some students that are having a problem in terms of their financial, when it comes to activities some of the students don't have papers or pencil to write and do the activity. Sometimes in recess, some of the students don't have snacks for their recess compared to other students that have many snacks for their recess. It shows that some of the students cannot come up with other students because of their financial but finding a way to help other students, I told them that when they have an extra papers, pencils and snacks, let them lend it by their classmates and I said that there is saying that when you be kind and  give something to others, you will receive more than what you gave.

Learning Environment

One of the most essential elements of a skills-based health education classroom is a supportive learning environment. When you encourage student participation in teaching and learning, as well as when there is trust and rapport between you and the students, you may establish a pleasant learning environment. You must first set the stage by creating a learning atmosphere in which all students feel respected, protected, and supported in order to develop trust that results in genuine participation and engagement in learning. During my practice teaching journey in Camiling West Central Elementary school, I observed that some of the students have different style of learning and abilities. One of the most effective strategies that I used are reward and punishment reinforcement, Using this strategy make my teaching engaging because some of the students becomes more cautious in their actions. I also motivates them in many things, involving their learnings to actual real life situations, giving rules and participation that also have rewards, just going along with them and making them comfortable and safe in any situations.

Curriculum Planning

The creation of an interesting and successful mathematics teaching and learning program in early learning settings and schools depends on curriculum preparation. This will be a component of a comprehensive planning strategy for the school to encourage cross-curricular opportunities and numeracy growth. For my curriculum planning, this domain gives me challenges because you really need to plan well your lessons and other things to make the teaching in the classroom engaging and active. In my discussions, participation and activities, I used some interesting instructional materials, using tarpapels, objects that can relate in the lesson, printed papers and activity sheets. It shows that these are really effective in teaching and also making my students enjoying while learning.

Assessment and Reporting

Students who actively review and monitor their own learning grow to have a high level of self-efficacy and are far more likely to succeed when their unique requirements are satisfied and their strengths are appreciated and developed. During my practice teaching, i always give some assessment that are interesting because my style of teaching is I want to make my students to enjoy while learning. Using activity sheets in my assessment is became the favorite of my students because it lessens on what they are gonna write and they will just focus on answering the worksheets. In monitoring the learnings of my students, I always gives back their papers or worksheets after recording it to also help them monitor their learning and know what they still need to do, to motivate them and achieve they want.

Linkages and Professional Engagement

I can say that our Cooperating School are really engaging  in terms of activities about the school because I notice that they always coordinate with other schools or organization in terms of having an program in the school. I am grateful to have this type of school that always wants to coordinate and making the program successful. During my practice teaching, some of the parents of the students always talks to me, asking about their son/daughter did in the class, and among other things. I am also grateful to them because they always greet me and they always clean the room. This became helpful to my practice teaching because not only me and my cooperating teacher can monitor their son/daughter learnings but also they can monitor their child's learning.

Professional Growth and Personal Development

Personal Growth and Professional growth focuses on the premise that instructors should hold a high personal appreciation for the teaching profession, care about professional growth, and strive to continually improve as teachers. In my practice teaching journey, i can say that this domain is really important to my practice teaching journey because we should know if we are growing and improving in terms of our teaching. When my cooperating teacher talks to me about my teaching strategies, she always gives feedbacks that are really effective in teaching. Using also observation sheets helps me to monitor my teaching strategies and also if I did well in my teaching. In this situation, it is important to monitor yourself in terms of teaching because we should all know that even if we are the ones teaching in front, we should also be learning something that will be important to our personal growth and development.

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